I style a lot of sandwiches and burgers, if I had a specialty, I think they would be it. 

I’m going to give you a few styling tips to make your sandwiches look their best. 

First: It’s all about the fold. Fold and twist the meat to get that full meaty look. 

Often times, we have to be true to the product by using the exact amount of meat that actually comes in the sandwich. Folding the meat will make the meat more full and help the sandwich look bigger while still using the correct amounts. 

Another trick I use to get the sandwich to look full is, by pushing all the fillings forward…usually by putting cotton balls or a paper towel behind them in the bun. 

I use pins to keep all of my ingredients in place while I’m building, and sometimes skewers or tooth picks to keep it stable. 

Work Together Professional Food Stylist

To get the mayo and mustard in just the right places, I use a medicine dropper to squeeze a dab right where I need it. It can also fix a dark hole that can be distracting. 

Finally, keep it all moist. 

Spritz the tomatoes with some glycerine, and spray the meat with some water, but avoid getting any cheese wet….and if you need to leave your sandwich for any extended length of time, cover it with a damp paper towel. It will keep the air from drying everything out.