
About Me

Suzy Eaton Professional Food StylistFrom a young age, I knew art would play a huge part in my life.

Little did I know how much it would guide my career, and my entire life.

I started out just drawing, which turned into painting, which led me to a career in decorative painting and murals. I then wrote a book about decorative painting and found myself contributing to other publications, as well.

I also studied graphic design and worked in house as a graphic designer for a large company for several years, then for a newspaper. It was about that time that the desire to do something more creative took over and I found myself in the right place at the right time, and was hired as an  artist and photo stylist for a publishing company.

I learned the basics about styling there, which progressed to decorating big sets for video shoots.

I then took the scary leap to see if I could make a career as a freelance stylist. I figured if I could style ‘everything’, I would work more.

Without any training, I added food to my repertoire, thinking it wouldn’t come up very often…which wasn’t the case at all. I started getting calls for food styling, and just did what I needed to do, faked it, until I made it. After all, the food didn’t need to taste good, it just needed to look good. It was just another art project to me.

Now, almost 17 years later, I have established myself as a professional food stylist, working for all the top brands. I work all over the country, and the best part is, my daughter is my full time assistant, and we have a blast together.

With all of that there is still more to do!

I get asked all of the time for recipes and more than anything else, people are fascinated with what goes into a photo shoot, and ask me to post behind-the-scenes photos.

So, here I am with a blog. I’m so excited to have been able to find a way to share all of these things with you.